Keith G wrote:
Any time you want to post a pic of the Air Scouts next to your other
gear, I'm up for looking at it... ;-)
Er, camera battery needs recharging....
That only takes a few hours - you should have something by this evening...
I'm not getting into this 'linearity' thing until I've heard a triode
amp (built, bought, borrowed or blagged) on my own setup.
I've no doubt that they're very linear while one is within the
largely-linear portion of the curve - my point was that keeping it clean
will restrict the power that it can put out.
I've been promised 'holographic' sounds blowing everything else into
the weeds. I already get/have got a superb 'soundstaging', imaging
and depth from a number of PP valve amps (far superior to any SS amp
I've ever heard, including Meridian and Krell amongst many others and
I gotta say I'm curious....
And I am too.
Me too - this 'linearity of triodes' for one thing, but the amp I'm
hoping to build has other features (direct coupled and posh/expensive
components) which are supposed to contribute to the sound quality.
Quality bits and a good circuit design must surely apply to any amplifier
type - it's the 'magic' of triodes that I'm curious about.
I'm talking about a 4 watt amp here, Wally......
Which has less power than the 20W amp I have at present. So far as I can
tell, the 20W sounds very good at low to medium volume, but not when I want
to crank it up. Years ago, I had a half-decent 40W SS amp, driving the same
speakers, and I got more clean volume than I do at present. As I may have
mentioned in a post a month or three ago, I feel that the speakers are the
next thing to address in terms of improving the sound - I'm not sure that a
super clean 4W amp would make a huge difference until that's done.