Keith G wrote:
Okay, so what speakers are you *likely* to drive with it? (The
Hah! You don't believe me then?
Any time you want to post a pic of the Air Scouts next to your other gear,
I'm up for looking at it... ;-)
I don't need any more slam/loud - I want to hear this 'triode sound'
for myself.
I wasn't meaning slam-type loud - just loud to the extent that instruments
are at a realistic level, but without the valves going heavily non-linear.
I'm reliably informed by a number of sources that triodes
blow everything else away and that, once heard, nothing else comes
I'd like to know what it is about them that's supposed to make them so much
... I get 'normal' listening at 9 o'clock on my
20wpc amp, but it starts to lose the plot at about 11 o'clock - IOW,
it starts to bug me before it bugs the neighbours...
Sounds like you need to get the soldering iron out as well then!
My plans are a little more involved than making a more powerful amp. :-)
Yup. Push-pull. The inputs are sensitive and it hits 20W at about 9-10