"Fleetie" wrote in message
What's your budget, Martin? Is a kit out of the question?
Low! And I have become lazy in my old age. Yes, I can wield a
soldering iron with a fair degree of proficiency, it's a matter
of I just want an amp that's ready to go, known working, and
I might _consider_ a kit.
Basically, I can't pay more than a meagre, say, 350 pounds.
OK, see below.
(And how did you get in my noobie recording thread? :-)
Yeah, sorry, I followed up a thread by mistake, rather than
starting a new thread.
Also, I notice you said somewhere that's you're learning
some more about building valve amps, with the help of, I
think it was, Nick Gorham (?).
Yes. He's addicted to solder (and scorched carpet) fumes......
I am VERY interested in learning about how to design valve amps,
See below.
but before I do that, I want one for my hi-fi, that just works.
Then I'll worry about how to design them myself. I guess the
simplest design to start off with is a Single-Ended Triode
amp - would that be right? Only one grid to worry about, and
only one power valve. Might as well walk before one tries to
But for now, I just want a working valve amp for my hi-fi.
OK, Nick has covered everything quite nicely but I'd just add that your
budget is a bit tight for a 'shiny new modern' valve amp, even one of the
new Chinese offerings which get quite a bit pricier than the (very tempting)
start price by the time shipping charges have been added on. You've done the
'antiques roadshow' and some of the older stuff is getting expensive now
anyway - rightly so if it has been properly serviced. You're not helpless
with a soldering iron *and* you are interested in valve amp design, right???
Well, I gotta say it seems to me you're the *ideal* candidate for a bit of a
build! You've got the skills and you know you are going to get a damn sight
more bang for your bucks (if you add a little sweat) than buying a 'plug and
play' solution. I think you should also be talking to Phil Ramsey at
http://www.bluebellaudio.com/ to see how far your budget will take you - he
can supply everything you need down to the nuts and bolts and I think he
could easily offer you a complete solution (*brand spanking new* but DIY)
for the sort of money you're talking about. (But not until I've got my bits
and pieces first...... ;-)
(Says he, also waiting for a tasty little 30 watt Technics SS amp from eBay
that is allegedly mint and cost *nowt*......)