"Wally" wrote in message
Keith G wrote:
Living Voice Air Scouts....***
Never 'eard of 'em. Basic spec?
Okay, so what speakers are you *likely* to drive with it? (The Paladins?)
Hah! You don't believe me then?
4W-ish a side is pretty low - what do you normally use to drive the
32 wpc WAD kit PP valve amp (6550s or KT88s), EAR/Dynaco 60 wpc
(6550Cs) valves, any old amp I'm messing about with (or have on loan)
at the time.
Not in the 4W league, then?
Wally, I've got slam, done slam, can do slam any time I want. (Ditto all
that for 'loud' also....)
I don't need any more slam/loud - I want to hear this 'triode sound' for
myself. I'm reliably informed by a number of sources that triodes blow
everything else away and that, once heard, nothing else comes close. I won't
be looking to play my Yello or Bjork mixes at 'tit stinging' levels with a
SET - I can do that now. I'm kinda hoping that it's the Jazz/Easy
Listening/Light Classical and Classical (Hampton &
Davis/Kaempfert/Binge/Mahler) that opens up with a SET.
Phil of http://www.bluebellaudio.com/ who is supplying the bits
promises me normal listening at the 9 o'clock mark...???
I can't help feeling that 4W is going to sound mucky before things get
reasonably loud. I get 'normal' listening at 9 o'clock on my 20wpc amp,
it starts to lose the plot at about 11 o'clock - IOW, it starts to bug me
before it bugs the neighbours...
Sounds like you need to get the soldering iron out as well then!