Double CD boxes
I *hate* slimline double cases. When new, they grip the discs so
securely that I fear for the discs every time I remove them. After a
few weeks use, the tabs then snap off, and the discs fall off the
spindles and rattle around inside the case. If the original jewel case
was a slightly flawed design, the person who designed slimline double
cases should be taken out and shot...
I would shoot the person who designed both of these cases. IMHO CDs should
have always been packaged in a similar way to a 3.5 inch floppy disk so that
you didn't need to handle the media all the time. Even if that wasn't
pratcical for cost/engineering reasons, the combination of extreme fragility
but yet resistance to being opened is something that couldn't have happened
by accident.
I don't have many double CDs and I can't say they cause me much more hassle
than single ones. many people I know either (a) keep the boxes in a cupboard
somewhere and just use a big wallet to store the cds; (b) make red-book
copies and keep the originals for backup; or (c) rip them to hard disk or
mp3 cd.