"Wally" wrote:
: RdM wrote:
: No, a way of switching between resistors in an input attenuator in
: combinations so that only two resistors are in circuit at any time,
: with only a few relays ... have a look here for some discussion (and
: links) on it.
: Ah, I get the idea. Does that method sound 'steppy', or is the transition
: smooth?
I'm no expert, just keeping mental notes on discussions I see for when/if I
get around to making/buying parts for (probably Mikkels) such a remote -
controlled preamp, whether stepped relay attenuator or motorised pot.
However, if the steps are small enough each level should be a barely
discernable increase from the last, I guess. One can vary the ammount of
"granularity" for different parts of the curve if one wishes.
The last article/thread linked in the list shows a link to a curve with 39
steps from 8 relays and max attenuation 48 dB.
Why not email Mikkel from his website link and ask him how the relay prototype
is coming along, or for availablity of the remote controlled pot version?