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  #64 (permalink)  
Old June 1st 04, 04:00 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 395
Default Speakers for sale.

Keith G wrote:

I seek only to follow you on this fascinating voyage of discovery.....

Valves are well worth a tinker - if you haven't already, get an old
oscilloscope and signal generator.

No, bugger all that - if I end up with summat even remotely like the
amp in this pic.....

I'm not keen on the wood, I have to say. I prefer the '50s lab kit' look of
the other one.

Take some shots as it progresses - photo of a pile of bits, case
with holes, some of the bits in place, etc.

Wot? Like....

Yeah, like that. :-)

OK, here's what I'd really like (and probably what I'll imitate in
the first instance)....

Gorgeous innit?? :-)

Aye, very nice. Like a sophisticated version of my wee breadboard pre-amp
mess-about. I used nails and ran tinned copper wire between them. Several
nails under the valve bases (splay the connectors) and tack solder
components across the various gaps - it was all laid out like a standard
schematic. I put in pots instead of fixed resistors and twiddled settings to
see what happened.
