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Old May 31st 04, 01:42 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 395
Default Retrofit remote control to change volume?

RdM wrote:

Have a look at
(and )

Thanks for the pointer. I had considered input switching, but felt that
getting it to work might be too much hassle for something that I didn't feel
was hugely neccessary. Seeing that Mikkel seems to have this worked out,
then maybe it's worth going for after all.

Mikkel Simonsen hangs out on, and I'm sure could fix
you up with a PCB or complete kit for either of those, if you were

The price for the board kit looks similar to the Maplin stuff (although I
suspect the motorised Alps volume control would be pricey). Given that it's
dedicated to the purpose, I guess this might be the better option.

The first one is perhaps all you want, or need, judging from your
post. Well worth supporting, IMO. I look forward to obtaining one
myself sometime.

If you make a start, post something here. I'm looking at a project for
sometime next winter - just researching the options at present.

There's a relay attentuator version in the works as
well, I believe.

Do you mean a mute funtion?
