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  #29 (permalink)  
Old May 31st 04, 12:58 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 449
Default Speakers for sale.

All right, enough already.

I think "Jem" is getting a bit too much of a hard time here.
I think some of the things he says are worthy. And let's face
it, he's right about a few things. Like the fact that many
amplifiers are just old, old designs re-worked to look
pretty, and sold for a lot of dosh.

And yes, I'll hold my hand up: I really really want a valve
amplifier and I know that probably all the budget ones are
re-worked designs from the 50s and 60s. But now I've grown old
enough to admit to myself that as long as an amp sounds okay,
I'm happy to take one that glows prettily and doesn't make a
mess of my music, because the thrill of having a valve amp
contributed to my enjoyment of the experience. I would never
have admitted that when I was younger.

So people are still making money out of very old designs,
but as long as people are willing to buy them, why not?

As for solid-state amps, yes, the parts price is probably
way, way lower than the sale price for most of them.

Also, I suppose, when it comes to DIY construction, the final
"cost" to you partly depends on the rate at which you charge
your own "time". For those for whom it's free, well then it's
worth it.

Wood and me don't get along very well, so constructing speakers
myself is not an option. I know, because I've tried it a few times!

If I were forced to do it again, and had access to the necessary
equipment, I reckon I'd use =10mm thick aluminium plate for the
cabinets, and not wood.

M.A.Poyser Tel.: 07967 110890
Manchester, U.K.