"Fleetie" wrote in message
"Jem Raid" wrote
Apologies for the 'ouch' :-)
If ever you are in Birmingham, perhaps you would look in and listen to
Buschhorns, I'll let you know when I've got them working.
Actually, yes, I would be genuinely interested to hear them.
Skeptical, very, but never let it be said that I wouldn't give
them a chance.
Unfortunately, I'm not in Birmingham, and shan't be in the
forseeable future, and anyway, even if I were, I'd be wasting
your time because I can't afford new speakers at the moment!
Actually, I had a dream about buying some new speakers about
2 nights ago! I do kinda want some more. I think some small
Dynaudios, but alas, the money isn't there!
M.A.Poyser Tel.: 07967
Manchester, U.K.
Dear Martin,
Hmmmm well, if you can't make it to B'ham, why not make a pair of Buschhorns
yourself, they are only 160 wide x 350 deep x 990 high. The drivers I'm
going to use, Visaton FR10 8 Ohm are about £7.00 each from CPC
http://custom1.farnell.com/cpc/) the timber, MDF can be precut at your
local woodyard and will probably cost about £25.00, I'll know exactly
tomorrow and will let you know, on here. The other odds and ends, glue,
solder some varnish or wax polish say another £10 and not only will you have
a pair of speakers with a dynamic range better than anything else you've
ever experienced but some you will be able to tweak yourself.
I would love to be there when you hear them for the first time and see the
smile of appreciation and understanding spread across your face. As it did
across mine at a HiFi exhibition many years ago when I first heard Lowther
horns, in the Lowther room you could browse through the LP's they'd got and
choose one, I had a headache from listening to too many speakers and it went
away as I sat in that room, I was astonished at the clarity and ease of the
sound, I was also fortunate enough to hear a demonstration in St Pauls where
Donald Chave used two Lowther Audiovectors and two 5 Watt Lowther valve amps
and filled the cathedral with sound. I ramble sorry:-)
Buschhorn links,
and the one I'm going to make