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Old May 22nd 04, 10:26 PM posted to
Mike Coatham
external usenet poster
Posts: 92
Default Rotel RA-930AX P/S

"SixPack" wrote in message
Thanks for the ideas & suggestions. The transformer was getting
mains input OK, but I may do some more tests on the transformer
as suggested.

It just seems a pity do dump it but, as suggested, probably more cost
effective to get another 2nd hand one.

Disconnect from mains & check the resistance of the primary winding -
measure between phase & neutral pins on the mains plug and have the amp
on/off switch turned on. Is there a fuse in your mains plug? Have you
You should get a reading of around 8 to 10 ohms. If it measures open
circuit, check for continuity in the cable and right up to where the
connections are made to the trasnformer, then check for a thermal fuse in
the primary winding. A lot of Jap amps do have such a fuse - problem is
though some are embedded within the windings and would be very difficult to
get at. However, you could get lucky and find it strapped to the exterior of
the transformer. A bit of careful diagnostic work should highlight where the
break is - all it'll cost you is a bit of time. Is there a fuse in your
mains plug? Have you checked?