In message , Ronnie McKinley
Well that may be easier to say than actually to do. I've just discovered
another HDCD which I didn't know I had. Didn't know, because nowhere on the
CD packaging does it say HDCD or indeed any sign of a HDCD logo. That's three
disc so far which have turned out to be HDCD without stating as such. Funnily
enough, all three discs are CD albums by Natalie Merchant (Ophelia - Live NY
and Motherland). These discs are read by the HDCD player as, HDCD.
Anyways, playing these CDs on a non-HDCD player (which I have been doing for
quite while) I certainly didn't notice any over driven distorted valve sound.
Just sounded like a million other CDs. Well like the rest of my CD collection
(several hundred). Playing them now on the HDCD player (see my earlier post
in this thread) I do notice a difference, but IMO it's more than them simply
sounding "louder" don't sound any "louder" than any other CD played on my non
HDCD or this HDCD player, just sound slightly different. The Ophelia album in
particular is quite noticeably different when played on the HDCD player.
I now wonder how many more HDCDs(discs) I may have which like the Natalie
Merchant albums are not labelled as HDCD.
Off the check ... will report back in six months time 
Having read this, I've just checked my copies of those three, (bought
when they were first released.)
Motherland (62721-2) isn't marked as HDCD.
Ophelia (62196-2) is marked on the back of the case is very small
letters as HDCD.
Live in Concert (62479-2) is marked on the back of the case in larger
letters as HDCD.
As I don't have an HDCD player then I guess it's all a bit academic,
although the recording quality on Ophelia and Motherland isn't of the
highest standard. (Certainly not up to the recording quality of a Sarah
McLachlan CD).
Chris Morriss