Thread: Webpages again
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Old February 25th 04, 08:50 PM posted to
Keith G
external usenet poster
Posts: 7,388
Default Webpages again

"Ronnie McKinley" wrote

Here's a temporary page linking from my main audio page. A piece of
errr kit, here at home for the moment on a few days auditioning.

Yep! That's some good dust - damn near as good as mine! (But not a patch

a 'certain' acrylic deck I could mention, in a couple of weeks time - you
mark my words! ;-)

Dust?? Naw!! I flicked fag ash over it, just for you

You forgot the doghairs though - didn't you?

If nothing else it'll at least get your blood boiling

Naah! - You ever known a vinylhead to get in a piff over someone else's
preferences (other than when they're winding them up)??



Yes I know!! a cheap DVDP out of Tesco and a S/H DAC off eBay will sound
just as good

Go on then, I'll bite - wossit sound like? (A *very* quick Google came up
with mostly very good reviews, but there was the odd ****e comment - as

Sounds like? sounds like the nearest thing a CDP can come to
sounding like a turntable ;)


(That'd be a 'first' then! ;-)

Also a bit pokey on the money front I gather? (You know me with the
little silver disks - I've only got two I play regularly....)

S/H (of course) plus I've an existing CDP (still) worth about 500 on
a trade in. Btw, I have very good reasons why I'm thinking, change
my existing CDP (quickly)

Wot? Before 'she' sees the money off on a new kitchen/greenhouse or summat?
