Thread: Webpages again
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Old February 25th 04, 10:18 AM posted to
Keith G
external usenet poster
Posts: 7,388
Default Webpages again

OK, a little 'off-list' confusion prompts me to post this explanation of
what the ukra (and ukrav) Webpages
are all about.

Let me first state that I am auditioning kit (speakers) as I type and that I
am almost *always* immersed in music when I'm ****ing about on this group -
just in case anyone thinks I'm a complete saddo with......

OK, Let's not get into that - let me just say it beats just watching the
tonearm. (Especially when I've only got the tuner playing like right now!

The Webpages - what are they all about?

OK, a year or more ago a few off-list 'conversations' led to the idea that a
Website (similar to those much loved by the Home Theatre lot and the Bubbles ) would be a Good Idea for this group. Having the time to do it
and unused server space available, I promptly started to cobble something
together. In true Brit style it took off like wildfire for an hour or so and
has simmered away ever since, doing not a lot, for over a year now. I dunno
about anybody else (feedback on the whole thing has been virtually zero -
another typical Brit trait...) but I have had a number (few dozen) emails
from all over the world asking about stuff on my webpage since I put it up.
(Which is well overdue for a tidy up now)

This group serves a number of different purposes at times from freebie
Helpdesk to Chat Room and has its regulars, a few webpages ain't excessive -
some groups get into coachtrips and gawd knows what else. I like 'em because
other people's kit interests me (actually *all* kit interests me) and I like
to blow the pix up to see how much dust the mucky sods have gone on their
stuff and compare it with my own..... :-)

(There is a *certain* acrylic deck which I think will look like a fekkin'
snowdrift in a few week's time........ ;-)

Anyway, the offer to carry a link to anyone's *audio-related,
non-commercial, non-salacious* webpage/website stands - all anyone has to do
is email me with the link. There's no catch, no cost, no obligation and any
links or material will be removed without hesitation, if I am requires so to
do. They are what you see - no more, no less and no-one will be refused.
(Any link found leading to the Dark Side will be removed immediately I'm
told about it, or discover it myself.) Lastly, I will entertain NO LIABILITY
WHATSOEVER for any consequence from posting a link to anyone's webpage.

The webpages (or links thereunto) will be hosted for all eternity or until I
get fed up with them (whichever transpires soonest) and would be handed over
to a volunteer, as soon as one could be found, should it become necessary.
(The biggest danger to them is a sudden and dramatic loss of interest in
Usenet generally by myself, or terminal disatisfaction with Pipex, when they
would be passed to a volunteer as stated.)

Now, I have just this minute checked my emails and found this.....


i live in italy, i am interested in the valve phono preampl.
Do you still have it?
How much does it cost for shipping to italy?


......which brings me nicely to the subject of 'For Sale or Swap/Wanted'.
(Incidentally, I put the x's in - I am *totally* discrete, if nothing else,
and never 'out' anybody or pass on personal information, in case you
wondered.) Anyone who does have a webpage would be daft not to post their
spare bits for sale or swap or wanted or whatever and I have even wondered
about having a separate page for this purpose. (Although, how long would it
be before it was all buggered up by people too idle to notify me when an
item was sold?) I'm also sure that if anyone had summat up for sale we would
like to know about it, wouldn't we?

That's about it! I don't mention the webpages too often as some anonymouse
slated me for 'spamming' the group when I was trying to get it off the
ground! (I don't want that to happen again, or I'll have to go all through
the faff of ripping someone's arse off in public!)
