Remote (radio) control but NOT of models
Does anyone here know anything about radio-controlling things OTHER than
models? This means knowledge of r/c itself, rather than just buying transmit
and receive black boxes from a model shop!
In particular, I'm looking to make a remotely controlled 4 channel audio
mixer, which will have the manual slider pots in the transmitter, remote
from the mixer itself, which will in turn NOT have sound level pots moved by
motors or servos (too slow and too power hungry), but use fets controlled by
integrators from the receiver.
Can anyone suggest someone with knowledge of this sort of electronics, or
perhaps any book or publication that might help.
I know that if I had a lot of money, I could go to people like Strand
Electric and buy this off the shelf, but it is for a model engineering club,
where we have problems with the in-house sound system, which is too remote
(and uncontrollable) from our meeting.
If anyone can help - many thanks in advance for anything you can offer or
Dave. BSMEE, Bristol