Tracking force
Well, what was a serious question seems to have been hijacked by a
load of kids winding each other up at the back of the class - not what
I expected here - grow up everybody, its not big or clever.
I've got a Rega P3 with an Elys cartridge. I thought it sounded a bit
dull, so tried backing the weight off a little with a positive result
(Ithink). I don't want to ruin the cartridge basically - Rega
recommend a tracking weight of 1.75g, I've got it set at 1.25g, after
initially balancing the arm as best I can. What do you guys think?
Playing through NAD PP2 / C350 by the way.
(Please don't start swearing and winding each other up again over
On Mon, 16 Feb 2004 16:24:35 +0000, Kurt Hamster
On Mon, 16 Feb 2004 14:06:31 -0000, Keith "Dingo Breath" Garratt used
to say...
Kurt Hamster wrote in
On Sun, 15 Feb 2004 23:46:37 -0000, Keith "Dingo Breath" Garratt used
to say...
Nick Gorham wrote in news:402ff89d$0$9756
Dan Abnormal wrote:
What difference to sound will over / under weighting a record deck
cartridge make?
Too little will result is mistracking, which may sound like a
buzzing distortion. Too much will push the coils in the cartridge
out of its linear range, and compress the suspension leading to
assorted problems, maybe a dull muted sound.
Yes, yes either all of this or you STUPID ****S could quit wasting
your money and buy SACDs!
Just trying to help my 'mates back in the homeland!
I must comment here.
You just want someone to listen while your wife shags the neighbor.
That's gotta be better than my neighbour shagging my sheep.
I've been finding this ****wit's **** poor attempts at trolling
The poor ******* can't get a bite from anyone.
You did [ and have in the past;-) ].
Not a bite, just an observation on just how loust you are at this.
Come on folks, give some thought to this poor tosser's needs. He's
obviously needs attention but no-one will take the bait.
My hilarity is only tempered by my guilt.
Perhaps your guilt comes from a large part of your time on silliness.
My large part would be dealing with your missus, if you had one you
could keep.
Just thought I'd help out!;-))
Why thank you. I know the very way. Try ****ing off, that's work great.
So kind of you.