"Ian Bell" wrote in message
Trevor Wilson wrote:
"Ian Bell" wrote in message
Keith "Dingo Breath" Garratt wrote:
Middle aged ****s spending wads of cash on specious audio technology
millions in the world can't even get a decent meal or basic medical
You should be ashamed of yourselves, the ****ing lot of you.
Insted of whinging like a pom why don't you get off your big fat Aussi
ass and *do* something about it, you Fosters swigging ****?
**Just a minor point. I don't know any Aussies who actually drink
Unless it's free, of course. Fosters is crap beer.
The Fosters they sell over here is crap but the stuff they sell in Oz is
quite different. I reckon its revenge for sending all our crimos over
there. They bottle the slops and send over here as Fosters.
**The Fosters they sell in Australia is crap. If you want to try a nice
Aussie beer, look around for Crown Lager (expensive, mass produced beer),
Resch's Pilsener (quite nice for mass produced, cheap beer), or some of the
boutique beers. Hahn make a nice drop. There's always Coopers, of course
(it'll put hairs on your chest). One of my favourites (mass produced) is
West End. Trouble, the only time I drank it, was in Ceduna (look for it on a
map), when it was 40+oC. I reckon anything would have tasted good.
Anyway, who the Hell do you think you're calling a "crimo"? Many of us are
descended from "crimos". I think my great - great grandfather stole a loaf
of bread, or ****ed on horse, or something similarly trivial and got sent to
Trevor Wilson