"Codifus" wrote
It depends on the bitrate. 320k MP3 seems to be generally accepted as CD
quality, 128K is about the equivalent of FM radio. I record FM
broadcasts and make them into 192 MP3s simply because I think the lower
bitrates take too much life out of the music. I don't even bother with
320K, I just keep my files in WAV or AIFF in that case. Takes up lots of
space, I know, but CD-Rs are cheap
Agree entirely (a WAV from the vinyl sounds satisfyingly close to the
original, DACced and Vacced) but there are two problems here - hard disk
space is not yet that cheap or plentiful (I could fill my new 200 Gig HDD
with WAVs in a couple of days) and CDs have got to be the most 'imminently
obsolete' technology on the planet atm.....