In article ,
Arny Krueger wrote:
Were I to use a portable recorder, I'd stick to stereo, use my Nomad
Jukebox 3 which records .wav files,, a Behringer MXB1002 mixer and a
pair of mics.
Yes. IMHO, the problem with any portable domestic machine is likely to be
the mic amps - far more so than the medium used for the capture.
It's a bit like a pickup pre-amp - regardless of how good a cartridge you
use, and power amp and speakers, if this is poor the results will be poor.
The internal mic amps might well be ok for recording a voice with a hand
held mic, but are rarely adequate for much else.
*When cheese gets its picture taken, what does it say? *
Dave Plowman
London SW 12
RIP Acorn