On Tue, 10 Feb 2004 18:09:56 +0000
Nutter wrote:
On Tue, 10 Feb 2004 14:23:13 +0000, Ian Molton wrote:
On Tue, 10 Feb 2004 13:45:23 +0000
Nutter wrote:
Ian stated Optical is cheaper,
No I didnt.
Sorry if I miss-interpreted your original post Ian but I think the
following implies you were saying that a Coax is not cheaper,
therefore you are saying that an Optical is cheaper:
No problem. Use co-ax rather than optical - it's cheaper.
'scuse me? I picked up a 3m optical cable for 6ukp.
they were selling 12m ones for ~20 IIRC.
No, it implies I dont think coax is (significantly, if at all) more
It does NOT say I thought they were cheaper than coax at all.
No you didnt. You plucked numbers out of the air that you FAILED
UTTERLY to substantiate with real references.
No, that was after we started the 'actual cost argument'.
You mean after you were backed into a corner with nowhere to go?
I have made
10m cable from Maplins for at a cost of 40p for 2 connectors and 20p
The optical cable price of 6ukp for 3m (including the 'plugs') was
including shipping.
However, this is not my main point.
Phono connectors (49p each):
http://www.maplin.co.uk/products/mod... 00&Products=2
Yeah, I found those and posted the link already...
Single core (screened) cable (29p p\meter):
http://www.maplin.co.uk/products/mod...0&Pro ducts=6
you managed to find a slightly cheaper cable than the one I found in an
earlier post. well done.
That's £3.88 for a 10m cable
6.38UKP actually to make a fair comparison - my optical lead price
included shipping also.
so, 3m optical cable, READY MADE 6UKP
10m coax (DIY, cheapest junk going) 6.38UKP
yeah, you're really making your case here...
(oaky slightly more than I quoted), but I was going back a few years.
How many? Quite a bloody few - I remember buying phonos at school (via
maplins) and they were 50p each even then (10 years ago)
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