Nutter wrote:
Please please stop twisting multiple threads of mine to suit your own
What are you talking about?
First, any old crap phono lead will do for a digital signal, if you
bothered to read my post incontext you will note I was refering to the
free ones that come with all 'hi-fi' seperates.
Second, as for length, let use our brains here. When I said any length
I meant, any length that you might reasonable need for a home cinema
setup. We are talking 10's of meters here, not 100's. Next time I'll
be more precise.
"Any" means "any", it doesn't mean a form of "any" qualified by some
unstated criteria. If you can manage something more precise than "any crap
of any length will work", that would be most welcome. If you can't manage
anything more precise, then expect to be called an idiot.
Third (for Ian this one), it is cheaper to make your own leeds,
suitable cheap cable will set you back 20p p/meter, with plastic phono
plus cost 20p each.By my calcs thats £1.40 for 5m.
Who gives a **** about that? There are people on this planet who aren't
interested in soldering up cables, or who lack the skills, the dexterity,
the tools, the time to acquire the bits and/or learn. There are people who
earn far more per hour than the money they'd save in the time it would take
to make a cable. Just because you happen to think making up a cable is the
way to do it, it doesn't follow that that's the right way for someone else
to do it.
Summary (So as not to lose the point of this whole thread): The point
being the original poster asked what he should use and the answer is
Coax NOT Optical because the Coax route (if you follow my advice about
using free phono leeds that come with all hi-fi seperates) IS cheaper
than any Optical cable on the market. I challenge you to rebute this
statement with 'he's sputing total ****e'.
Read the original post, dickhead. He asked how long the cable can be, not
what the cheapest method was.