On Fri, 06 Feb 2004 16:08:42 +0000
Nutter wrote:
MUG ALERT! Oh Dear Ian.
WTF are you on about? 20ukp for 12 metres of optic fibre with 'plugs' on
is not bad at all.
Okay, I'll stop taking the **** now.... IT'S A DIGITAL SIGNAL, ANY OLD
PIECE OF ****E WILL DO (for coax)!
ILLITERACY ALERT! I said *optic fibre* not coax.
Which is why on this group, Coax is prefered
Is it? Cant say I've noticed a preference either way.
At least with the optic fibre I dont even have to CARE about wether
noise from my PC will ever reach my DAC (probably wouldnt on coax either
but I like that I dont need to care.
, because it does the same thing and the cable costs virtually nothing.
The Coax can *in theory* transmit more than just the wanted signal (no I
dont mean jitter). Wether it does or not is down to your individual
equipment. This is simply a non-issue with optic fibre.
I didnt buy a 12 m optic fibre anyhow - I bought a 3m one. that 6ukp was
including VAT+PnP IIRC too. Thats a good price for ANY interconnect,
even a coax one.
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