Revox B77
"Off Piste" wrote in message
I may be posting this to the wrong NG, but there seems to be a lot of
knowledgeable people here, so maybe someone can help me. I have recently
acquired an old Revox B77 tape recorder which I want to experiment with.
Unfortunately, I have no manuals or other information and I can't
if the machine is a MkI or a MkII model. Does anyone know what the
differences are?
Groups archive doesn't come up with much I'm afraid. My manual covers both
machines but irritatingly does not define the differences between the MkI &
MkII models. I'm trawling through the manual right now to find any & so far
the MkII has the addition of a tape tension pcb & tape move sensor
pcb. The capstan speed control schematic also differs slightly between the
two. There doesn't look to be ground breaking changes here..I think both the
MkI & II could have15ips as an option. Hey I'm not a Revox expert so no
flames pleeze.