"TCS" wrote in message

On Tue, 3 Feb 2004 08:25:50 +0000, Ian Molton wrote:
On Tue, 3 Feb 2004 06:47:56 -0000
"Informer" wrote:
I tried tips and tricks suggested here including re-reading my manuals
nothing really changed so with a heavy heart I went to buy a Sony CD
deck copier
Well its nice to *pretend* you had a good reason to buy it...
at least he got that special feeling of pride that comes from having spent
too much.
I think you've done OK here. A lot of people assume a lot about IT use and
users, and I think you were given a rough ride by people who placed
'requisite knowledge' on you. This is after all an audio group, and not an
IT forum.
I am a very experienced pc user (as opposed to technolgy expert) and I
bought one because I wanted one - I use it just like I used to use a
cassette deck. I almost went for the Philips (lot cheaper than the NAD) but
I didn't like the idea of the fan.
You might at some stage revisit the pc - it *shouldn't* do the things you've
described. In the meantime - well done and enjoy!