CD recorder update.
Just to let everyone know who contributed to my post about my problems with
high frequency distortion when burning CD's on my computer.
I tried tips and tricks suggested here including re-reading my manuals but
nothing really changed so with a heavy heart I went to buy a Sony CD twin
deck copier which came as the recorder of the year for 2003 in What Hi Fi.
This was for sale at Richer Sounds but they were out of stock and after
ringing around it would seem that the Sony was now out of production and no
one had any. I settled for the Philips CDR796 twin deck which broke all my
rules as I like to buy recommended buys but I could not find a single report
in any magazine or on the net.
I picked a really challenging CD to copy that had a woman opera singer on
it. My computer CD burner could never get those really high notes of opera
singers without adding a little distortion so it was with a little
trepidation that I tried the Philips.
I shouldn't have worried, no setting up worries, no manuals to plod through,
just press the copy button and off it went. The result was a perfect copy.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions.