Mains hum pickup on a Pink Triangle deck
Dear Richard
I ran my Pink with an RB300 for several years without problems but may just
have been lucky with the cartridge. I now have a Zeta which has an earth
wire, absolutely no problems with respect to the motor. You could easily
try running an earth from the arm board to your pre amp to see if this helps
the problem, Rega arms are not earthed but there is nothing to stop you
fitting one. The PT Too power supply is just an amplifier that synthesises
a 50Hz signal and amplifies it up to drive the motor. This should not be a
source of hum but you could check to see if the cable is connected correctly
with a multimeter.
Good luck
Regards Richard Wall
New Ash Green Hi-Fi Club
"Richard Markham" wrote in message
I have a Pink Triangle record deck with a Rega RB300 arm and Rega
I noticed in the past that there was mains pickup when the arm gets too
near the motor - i.e. nearer to the centre of the record.
Now I have mounted the deck above my CD player, it's picking up hum from
there also.
Can I fix this with some earthing arrangement, or does the deck just
have to be away from any other mains device?
The Amp has an earth stud, but the deck doesn't have one. The deck uses
an outboard PSU for the motor drive.
Richard Markham