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Old February 1st 04, 09:55 AM posted to,
external usenet poster
Posts: 93
Default optimum recording settings using nero

"Informer" wrote in message
I started a thread about CD recorders which I found very helpful so this

a follow up. Can anyone guide me as to the optimum settings for using

for copying commercial music CD's. I am plodding through my Nero Express
manual after getting some high frequency distortion on the odd track so I
want to make sure everything is tweaked OK. I am using just the default
settings but in default my output file format is set to MP3 Pro. This
doesn't seem right to me, should I be using wave file as a more

setting? How many bits should I be using? Anything else I need to think

Once again I thank all the experts out there.

Do you want to copy entire disks or individual tracks?

If disk, choose 'copy entire disk' from the right hand menu. You *should* be
OK if your writer and reader are on separate channels (that is, connected by
separate cables to separate controllers on your motherboard - unlikely but
possible). If they're not I suggest you use the next method ...

If tracks (to make a compilation for example) the best method is a bit more
complicated - you need to extract the wav data from the original using EAC.
Then start Nero Express, click Music, Audio CD, then add the tracks you
exported from EAC.

This is just one of many methods, and works best IMO.
