CD recorders
"Ian Molton" wrote in message
On Fri, 30 Jan 2004 21:20:40 -0000
"RJH" wrote:
so why, tell, is it an inferior solution?
Couple of things:
No remote to change channels;
Picture size;
Wrong (as someone else pointed out, cinemas use digital projectors
controlled by PCs...)
Picture quality;
VERY wrong. Even most cheap monitors will out-do a TV in the same price
PC clutter;
One box smaller than a VCR or DVD player ?!!
PC noise;
Boot up a computer, then navigate menus, to watch tv.
Scripted boot, no menus unless you want them.
But I realise these things are down to my sucking pc.
How do you get a decent picture (digital) from the pc to the TV?
either use a nice monitor (projectors are coming down in price a LOT...)
or find a TV with true RGB input.
I regard any non RGB input as ****e generally, wether fed by a PC or
the biggest problem was always aspect ratio.
The wireless thing was very good until a car drove past.
What cars drive in your area that interfere with 2.4GHz wifi ?!
Also, I've read about the silent pcs, no fans, but aren't they very
expensive and restricted by the hardware (ie low heat)?
For not-quite-but-damn-near-silent full spec Athlon and P IV machines,
try the shuttle XPC with a good quiet harddisc and DVD ROM. VERY good
prices - 130ukp for a barebone system!
For fast-enough-and-truely-silent try a Via EPIA or M series machine
with a nice external SS PSU. cheap too.
Thanks for that info - I'll have a look at some time. I hadn't realised they
were that inexpensive.