CD recorders
"Arny Krueger" wrote in message
"the dead comedian" wrote in message
Buying a stand alone recorder drastically simplified the transferring
of vinyl & tapes to CD.
Yes, it simplifies out of existence many important capabilities described
I accept your point here, although I'd like you to at least consider mine -
those capabilities are simply not important for me, none of my records are
that bad. Well, some are a bit crackly (!), it just doesn't bother me.
I use audio CD-RWs when I need to do some
editing on the computer. If I want to make a duplicate CD, I use the
high speed sync-recording. I've never had a problem with these
dubbed copies, but I still wouldn't use them to burn discs I'm
sending in a trade. It also saves time, since I don't have to rip
all the tracks to the HD first or accidentally burn the disc TAO.
The author is solving a non-existent problem. I copy audio CDs routinely
my PC. It's a total no-brainer. I click an icon, load the discs, click a
button and the copy happens automatically and properly. The software (EZ
5 or 6 or Nero) does the rest.
I wish my computer worked that well with on-the-fly copies. But it doesn't.
I believe in specialization. My television set is the best way to
watch TV, my stereo is the best way to listen to music, and my laptop
is the best way to surf the web/email/type a document/use a
spreadsheet. Jack of all trades, master of none.
So speaks the voice of mediocrity and inflexibility. You can't do as good
a job transcribing other media to CD on stand-alone equipment as you can
on a PC.
Well, I'd agree that the pc offers more flexibility if you have the skill,
time, hardware, inclination and software.
For openers, name a CD recorder with the flexible tic and pop
reduction of a PC. Name one that lets you change the loudness of a song
after you've recorded it, but before you burn the CD. Name one that lets
edit lead-in noise as accurately and precisely.
The enduring point, at least for lazy sods like me, is that i wouldn't
bother to record music if I didn't have the standalone recorder.
The statement "My television set is the best way to watch TV" ignores the
popularity and power of the Home Theater PC.
I don't really know what you mean here. My computer has certain stuff -
digital tv, analogue tv, posh soundcard and speakers. But I couldn't sit
comfortably and listen to, watch it, in the way I could my stereo or TV.
'Booting up' the television?! 17" 4:3 screen?!, Wires (I've even tried
wireless - straight back to the shop!), Noise? (my pc is supposedly silent -
not), recording stuff (have you tried recording/editing/archiving digital tv
on a pc?!). The technology may be close, I'm just not sure it's arrived.
The statement "My stereo is the best way to listen to music" ignores the
popularity of PCs as music players with vast music libraries.
Again not for me. It's fantastic that people get the same pleasure from
listening to their pc sound as I get from my stereo. I just don't see it.