Cartridge for DUAL 505?
The message
from "Keith G" contains these words:
"s a k" wrote in message
Hope you can help. Got a Dual 505.1 which is in reasonable nick (on an
Cambridge Audio A1 mk3), but it needs a new stylus. Its got a Ortofon
OM10 cart, but someones offered me an Ortofone/Dual TKS 49S cart for
not alot of money. Would that be a good substitute?
I've also read that an Audio Technica AT 110 E would also be a
worthwhile substitute. Is this so?
What should I do?
Post your question in and then step back smartly to avoid
being hit by the avalanche of advice from Audio Usenet's finest...... ;-)
FWIW, I have found the AT110E to rock with a sweet midrange. At about
£28 it's probably the cheapest good sounding MM cartridge.