Not an answer to your post exactly but here is an interesting site which has
old stuff available to hire. Some very interesting pyramid speakers etc.
Remember those old reel to reel and cassette decks... see some of them here.
"John Settle" wrote in message
In the mid 1970's when omni-directional loudspeakers were being touted as
the ' hi-fidelity sound ', Sonab produced their Omni series from model 1
through to 6. However, another Scandinavian manufacturer came on the scene
and produced the Larson ( or was it Larsen) Pyramid design of loudspeaker.
Riduculous and probably sad as well, I've been racking the ever decreasing
grey cells regarding their specs - alas to no avail. Having just thrown
all my old spec sheets (again sad keeping them) and finding no information
on the net I am hoping that some equally long in the tooth enthusiast can
shed some light on these speakers. If you can, please don't be shy, age is
only a measurement of experience mocked by youth - post a reply.