Stevie Boy in
No it's been read wrong once again!
In my eyes or even everyones surely.... a cable that has no signature
is an ideal and therefore transparent to the audio world.
We all would like something 'perfect' in the audio chain but it does
not exsist does it not?
Not surprising I read it wrong when the bit you snipped is "I would argue
this point", seemingly agreeing with "None of them [have a sig], under blind
But sure, an ideal cable would have no signiture, unless that's a signiture
in itself.
I take it (not being one to read advertising junk) what you are
saying is that your observations matched the manufacturers' claim on
the 'signature' of Valhalla cable.
No I dont even know what the manufacturer claims are! It's just what I
heard it was my first airing of a new cable and nothing was said how
it would sound.
However I've read a review since hearing and if lighting dont strike
me down soon it talked of the same experience (Hi-Fi+)
I think the bit you snipped down here *may* have explained that
Jim H