Sounds like a no then!
Alex Butcher wrote in message

On Fri, 09 Jan 2004 08:17:02 +0000, Trevor Appleton wrote:
Recording BBC Internet output
Is there any way of recording (e.g. the listen again programmes) to CD
so I
can play them in my car?
I have DVDR and a Car MP3 player.
If you have access to a Linux machine, yes. vsound fools the realplayer binary into
thinking it's writing to the sound device, when in actual fact, it's
writing to a .wav file.
From there, you can split into individual MP3s, or leave as a .wav and add
timings to a .cue file so that you get normal CD track markers. Unless you
know the music well, though, this step can take quite a long time.
Best Regards,
Alex Butcher Brainbench MVP for Internet Security:
Bristol, UK Need reliable and secure network systems?
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