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Old July 21st 03, 10:16 PM posted to
Stevie Boy
external usenet poster
Posts: 69
Default Speaker Cable

When it comes to design much more than I!!! But do they design audio


No, they don't. Does that tell you something about 'audiophile'

Is that a pointer at the engineer brigade in here or a general overview of
the Hi-Fi industry?

There is nothing about a cheap cable that can alter the dynamic range

a sound. If there is, then there's some kind of weird problem with your
hifi system.

Who has mentioned Dynamic range? Theres more to music than highs and


Ah, you must have Bose! :-)

You caught me out... 10 out of 10 for intuitiveness.

A proper cable should have no signature.

Ive never heard a better word said :-)

Which cable has?

None of them, under blind conditions....................

I would argue this point.... (not surprising heh?)

How can one positively say NO cable has a signature even under blind
conditions. Unless we actually welded (I dont mean that absolutley Arny) the
speakers to our amps terminals how can we (you) say what signatures cables
have/dont have? I'm all ears for any tecno babble you wanna spurt at me :-)

Ive explained further up the thread why I personally believe blind tests


But not so horribly flawed as sighted tests............


Take this for instance.... You connect up a cable of xyz cost having no idea
how it will sound (bear with me.. read on).
You sit down and make judgements on the sound. You decide in which areas
this cable excels e.g Air, ambience,bass depth,eb and flo, musicality or

After listening you put a sonic 'signature' on the cable.

Then you take your next cable of xyz cost and carry out the same procedure.

After listening you put a sonic 'signature' on the cable.

So my question is... how can one put a sonic 'signature' on each cable when
one has no clue before hand what that sonic signature will be.

To take for example Nordost's Valhalla cable that on first and subsequent
hearings *I* hear enormous strides in power of the bass department in
comparison to ALL the other Nordost cables previously released. How could I
possibly have concieved that it would sound so different from the rest of
the range? What in hells bells made me hear dollops more of bass power over
say a silky smooth midrange. I had no knowledge of it's *percieved* sound
before hand.
