Sticking cassette deck, advice please.
"John Fryatt" wrote in message
I have got out my old Nakamichi 480Z cassette deck, and am testing it. It
generally works fine, and is in great condition, but there is one problem.
When I rewind a tape and then press play, it won't work. The machine seems
to attempt to start the tape moving but then just stops. If I try pressing
stop then start several times, occasionally it will go. Mostly though, I
need to open the cassette door then close it again. This causes the slack
be taken up and the tape to be wound on just a fraction, and then the tape
will play with no problem.
Any ideas? Is this something I could attend to myself?
Thanks, John
I have a similiar problem with my CR-5E. It has also been sitting around on
my rack for sometime without use and when I slapped a cassette in it the
other week or so I found the tape would not play and kept switching off
(stop mode). However persistance of pressing play or a little rewind/fast
fwd would spring it into life.
I have not yet bothered to look inside to see what could be causing this.
I've been expecting it's minor as the deck has been serviced not to long
ago. Possibly a slippery belt.. some contamination or such. The unit will go
in stop mode if the drive spool is not turning.