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Old January 6th 04, 10:13 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 13
Default PC to Hi Fi system and related Q's

Thanks to all, think I'm going to get the drill out, for $299 saving thats
worth it.


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"Tumbleweed" wrote in message
. ..
First of all, I hope this is the right group to ask this Q, if it isn't
would welcome advice on which is.
Getting a new PC soon and would like to be able to store my CD's on that

some compressed format, and then play back via the HiFi, which is in a
different room. Running cables between the two would be a royal PITA but
could be done. Are there any wireless ways of doing this?
What recommendations would people make for formats? MP3. WMA, Real Audio?

only want to convert my Cd's once so I'd like to pick the best format.

what software player? One thing I'd like to be able to do is choose albums
or even tracks at random when playing, perhaps in 'categories' ie rock, or
jazz or whatever. Does this sort of application exist?

Finally, I may also entirely replace my ancient HiFi with a DTS system.

this change any of the recommendations and whats a good group to find out
about those?


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