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Old January 6th 04, 12:03 AM posted to
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Posts: 1
Default PC to Hi Fi system and related Q's

On Sun, 4 Jan 2004 20:55:48 -0000, "Tumbleweed"

First of all, I hope this is the right group to ask this Q, if it isn't
would welcome advice on which is.

Dropping into this grp out of nowhere, I'm about a year ahead of you.

Getting a new PC soon and would like to be able to store my CD's on that in
some compressed format, and then play back via the HiFi, which is in a
different room. Running cables between the two would be a royal PITA but
could be done. Are there any wireless ways of doing this?

Haven't done that, can't comment. Or have I ? When I moved in here,
first thing I did was put a hole through a wall for phone extension
lead for the modem. It also got used for speaker wires ! Currently not
in use at all.

What recommendations would people make for formats? MP3. WMA, Real Audio? I
only want to convert my Cd's once so I'd like to pick the best format.

..wav - but it ain't compressed ! I'm currently favouring MP3 over WMA.
The latter being produced by Windows Media Player and not so good. Of
course there may be quality options to tweak in each format. I've a
few .wav files - for when I feel like it.

what software player? One thing I'd like to be able to do is choose albums
or even tracks at random when playing, perhaps in 'categories' ie rock, or
jazz or whatever. Does this sort of application exist?

Windows, spit, Media Player does this sort of thing if you let it. I
don't - but I do use it a juke box now. WMP comes with Windows.

Search the net for ezcddax504zip.exe ("poikosoft" I think), CD - WAV
or MP3 converter. Also I use "Total Recorder" for recording from other

I also have an M Audio Delta 66 sound card. It uses 4in/4out balanced
1/4" jacks + S/PDIF. Software includes sound mixer and choices on
sample rates.

This nice set up is spoiled by a loud CPU cooling fan !

Finally, I may also entirely replace my ancient HiFi with a DTS system. Does
this change any of the recommendations and whats a good group to find out
about those?

Pass !
Comm again, Mike.