Speaker Cable
OK perhaps I over stepped my mark there but I was just trying to
offer for the *newbie's* some kind of insight into the general
consensus of speaker cables in this group.
*What* general consensus?
That being snake oil
After all it just a view no more than yours. You hear what you hear
and I hear what I hear.
So you did pass Sophistry 101.
No, just talking from experience
Nor was I it was just a terminollogy for cheap cable.
Typical of people like you, Stevie Boy. When you get nailed for your
careless claims, instead of facing up to that, you hide behind the old "it
was just a figure of speech" defense.
Read first paragraph.....
We'll add deafness to your list of personal faults, Stevie Boy.
Yes I am partialy deaf in one ear but doesnt stop me enjoying Hi-Fi or
incapable of differentiating between sounds.
Hmm likewise. I think you read to much into something when someone states
something this can be a dangerous thing.
Obviously were not talking about fuse wire or the likes were talking
about commercially available cables that range in all kinds of sizes.
Cables designed for use as speaker cable.
There Stevie Boy goes again. He's hiding behind the old "it was just a
figure of speech" defense.
Yea right. You seek an answer and then you have nothing meaningful to say.
I cant compensate for those that dont understand.
Well whatever a credible listening test *is* is open to debate.
Everything is open to debate, but one side of the debate is wrong.
Not always. Everything is a compromise.
But I would say that it took months of listening on two systems and
verified by 3 people.
A whole 3 people?
At least it was a unanimous verdict for which I offer the advice on cables.
I would not offer any advice on any equipment I have not had the pleasure of
hearing in any positive manner.
Me just merely talking about my experiences here would not give 1
Iota of proof. It is something that has to be taken on face value.
IOW, it is wroth zero.
??? IOW?
It no more worse me saying this than saying Maplin speaker cable is
adequate (which it maybe).
If you pick the right Maplin cable for the application,t hen it is
Myself believe the Silver anniversary to be a bit lean and light in
the bass.
See above.
OK, you were just trolling.
Hey first time someone said I was trolling :-)
Ive heard it in a friends system against some NAC A4. The
Anniversary had many virtues but overall the NAC A4 was prefered in
*this* system.
Tad pass your bedtime me thinks.
Been down this road before.
No, its the high road. You don't go there Steview Boy. You don't even know
where it is, even with a map in your hands.
Yes I can tell by your typing way passed bedtime.
Again Arny (that has a familiar ring to.... I'll be back :-) ) just
something Ive experienced trying different cables and/or equipment in
a system. Or through visits to other working systems demonstrating
OK, so you free associate a lot, Steview Boy.
For cables at the lower end of the market I like VDH, Chord company
Silver cable or DNM.
It's not something I need to proof is it?
You could try to get your word forms right, even if you are a zero at
Yes i think your having the same problem tonight.
It's merely a statement of
cables *I* prefer. i'm just putting some guide lines in.
Your preferences are as good as free association, Steview boy.
But a good starting point nonetheless.
Try again. This time Stevie Boy focus on being credible to people
with IQs over 75.
Oh sorry Arny I replied to the wrong person :-)
Night night.